Kaitlyn Mulhern

Equity Builder Program

The Equity Builder Program (EBP) offers grants to help first-time buyers earning up to 80% of the area median income with down-payment, closing cost, and home rehabilitation assistance, and homebuyer education and counseling.

“EBP makes homeownership a reality for hundreds of New England residents each year.” 

Kaitlyn Mulhern
Homeownership Set-Aside Programs Manager


Members in good standing are eligible to receive up to the annual enrollment cap of $250,000*. You’ll find more information about how EBP can be leveraged by members in this section. 

Training Materials 

EBP training webinars provide details about the program application, enrollment, loan origination, and disbursement process.

Procedures + Requirements

If you’re a member working with an eligible homebuyer who could benefit from EBP, be sure to review these important dates and key application steps. 

Equity Builder Program Forms

​Find the form or application you need here:

* FHLBank Boston reserves the right in its sole discretion to determine, at the time the application is submitted, whether a member is eligible to participate in our homeownership assistance programs based on, but not limited to, the borrowing and/or credit status of the member. Effective 2025, there is a graduated member cap starting at $125,000 for the first two funding release periods. During the remaining funding releases, the member cap increases to a maximum of $250,000 (no member can reserve more than $250,000 for the program year.)