January 3, 2025

Advisory Council

The FHLBank Boston Advisory Council is comprised of housing and community development leaders from throughout New England who meet quarterly with staff and representatives of the board of directors to advise on the administration of our special programs for housing and community development and collaborate to develop the Affordable Housing Program Implementation Plan and Community Lending Plan. The Advisory Council submits an annual report reviewing the performance of our community investment activities to the Federal Housing Finance Agency. 

Advisory Council Composition

The Affordable Housing Program regulation requires FHLBank Boston to maintain an Advisory Council comprised of individuals who reside in FHLBank Boston’s district and are drawn from community nonprofit and for-profit organizations actively involved in providing or promoting low- and moderate-income housing and community lending in New England.

The following individuals serve on the Advisory Council:

Daniel Brennan (Chair)

Maine State Housing Authority
Augusta, Maine

Jeanne Cola (Vice Chair)

Executive Director
Local Initiatives Support Corporation - Rhode Island
Providence, Rhode Island

Elizabeth Bridgewater

Executive Director
Windham & Windsor Housing Trust
Brattleboro, Vermont

Rodger L. Brown Jr.

Managing Director of Real Estate Development
Preservation of Affordable Housing, Inc.
Boston, Massachusetts

Maura Collins

Executive Director
Vermont Housing Finance Agency
Burlington, Vermont

Katherine Easterly Martey

Executive Director
New Hampshire Community Development Finance Authority
Concord, New Hampshire

Kristen Harol

The Life Initiative
Boston, Massachusetts

Liza A. Fleming-Ives

Executive Director
The Genesis Fund
Brunswick, Maine

Catherine T. MacKinnon

Executive Director
Mutual Housing Association of Greater Hartford, Inc.
Hartford, Connecticut

Joshua R. Meehan

Executive Director
Keene Housing
Keene, New Hampshire

Cathy Mercado

Executive Director
Merrimack Valley Housing Partnership
​Lowell, Massachusetts

Sharon Morris

Executive Director
Omni Development Corporation
Providence, Rhode Island

Nandini Natarajan

Chief Executive Officer
Connecticut Housing Finance Authority

Rocky Hill, Connecticut

Cullen Ryan

Executive Director
Community Housing of Maine
Portland, Maine

Patrick M. Shattuck

Executive Director
Gilman Housing Trust, Inc./RuralEdge
Lyndonville, Vermont

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